Early warning communication: Baboon criers help with troops

Early warning communication: Baboon criers help with troops

Early warning communication: Baboon criers help with troops

The Overstrand Baboon Management Programme is implementing an Early Warning System to warn residents and business owners in Pringle Bay that the baboon troop has entered the urban area and Pringle Bay CBD so they can close doors and windows timeously.

It will also hopefully help residents/ business owners to manage their waste before the baboons get hold of it.

The main focus will be on Pringle Bay CBD area.

For the time being, the Eco Monitors (aka baboon criers) will alternate between whistles and vuvuzelas. The whistles and vuvuzelas will not be used throughout the day, it will be momentary sound to warn the residence only when the troops are entering the urban area.

Residents are most welcome to engage with the Eco Monitors to give feedback on which tool is most effective.

The Baboon Criers/Eco Monitors will walk the streets and the CBD of Pringle Bay throughout the declared problem animal area within Pringle Bay.

The monitors are wearing blue overalls and will have bright yellow/green bibs on. Each monitor has an identification card that was approved and signed off by Overstrand Municipality.

This Standard Operating Procedure for the Early Warning System was presented and approved by Ward 10 Ward Committee, and we encourage residents and business owners to become more proactive in the way they live within the declared problem animal areas.

Previous PROPERTY VALUATION: Cent in the rand rate to calculate new property rates has been tabled by Overstrand Municipal Council

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