Appealing your Property Valuation Objection decision

Appealing your Property Valuation Objection decision

Most objections lodged against the 2023 General Valuation Roll of the Overstrand Municipality have been concluded on Friday, 30 June 2023. The rest will be finalised by the end of today, 3 July 2023. Property owners who have not received feedback, should check their junk/span e-mails as well.

Those property owners who are still not happy with the decision of the valuer on their objections, have 30 days to lodge an appeal which will be heard by an independent Valuation Appeals Board appointed by the Provincial Minister of Local Government, Mr Anton Bredell.

Appeal forms are available on the Municipal website (click on documents, strategic documents, property-valuation

Or click here…/appeal-forms-appel-vorms

It should be noted that you can only appeal the Municipal Valuer’s decision if an objection was lodged against the General Valuation Roll 2023 within the prescribed period.

Please also note that you will have to continue paying your current municipal account until the decision from the appeals board is given and the account is adjusted.

The valuation roll indicates the market value of the specific property on date of valuation, therefore showing what the owner will most probably sell for on that date or alternatively what somebody will most probably pay for the property.

New valuations will be implemented on 1 July 2023.


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