Municipal Manager Dean O’Neil re-appointed

Municipal Manager Dean O’Neil re-appointed

The Overstrand Council appointed Municipal Manager, Dean O’Neill, for a further term during a Special Council meeting held on Tuesday, 20 September 2022.

Mr O’Neill was appointed Municipal Manager of Overstrand since 1 November 2020 and his current contract is ending in October 2022. In terms of the Municipal Systems Act, the employment contract for a Municipal Manager must be for a fixed term to a maximum of five years but may not exceed a period of one year after the election of a new Council

The vacancy was advertised nationally.

A total of 25 applications were received and eight candidates were invited to attend the evaluation and interview sessions for the post held on 15 and 16 August 2022 after proper screening and vetting. Five interviews were conducted after three candidates withdrew from the interview session. Eventually, after considering the report received from the service provider on the recruitment process, council resolved on the appointment.

Overstrand Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, congratulated Dean O’Neill on his re-appointment as the Overstrand Municipal Manager at her Mayoral Committee meeting held on 26 September 2022. Pictured with them are Director of Finance Santie Reyneke-Naude, Director of Economic Development Soli Madikane, Mayoral Committee Member of Management Services Arnie Africa, Director of Protection Services Neville Michaels, Deputy Mayor, Cllr Lindile Ntsabo and Mayoral Committee Member of Protection Services, Mayoral Committee Member of Economic Development Elnora Gillion, Mayoral Committee Member of Investment and Infrastructure Clinton Lerm, Mayoral Committee Member of Community Services Ronald Nutt and Director of Community Services, Roderick Williams.

Mayor Rabie formally congratulated Mr O’Neill at her mayoral committee meeting held on 26 September 2022 and wished him well for this term of employment.

Previous Mayor Rabie and her Council celebrate Arbour Month with tree planting ceremony

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