Be baboon aware

Be baboon aware

In an effort to increase the awareness of waste management in baboon affected areas, the Overstrand Municipality has started with a refuse awareness campaign for holiday makers and visitors.

Feather flags at the drop-off points and posters on lamp posts will alert visitors to be baboon aware and to think before they dump.

Dealing responsibly with waste is one of the simple ways to think ‘baboons’ and to be part of the solution in order to contribute to the health and well-being of wildlife and our own families.

New residents and visitors are often not made aware of the baboons by letting agents and home owners renting out their property.

Wheelie bins must be secured with baboon proof locking devices in all areas that the Municipality has identified as problem animal areas. No black bags may be left on pavements in baboon problem areas.

There will be no change to your current collection schedule for refuse and recycling removal days – even on public holidays.

Alfred Phunguphungu (front left), George Hendricks, Quinton Pletschke (back left) and Gerol Braaf at the mini drop-off in Voëlklip.
Rudolph Hansen (yellow t-shirt) and Amos Andries (on ladder) busy putting up the posters on lamp posts in baboon affected areas.
Previous Blue flag season

Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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