More than 95% of Overstrand’s prepaid electricity meters already updated

More than 95% of Overstrand’s prepaid electricity meters already updated

Overstrand Municipality has been rolling out its Token Identifier (TID) rollover programme since November 2022 and 97% of its prepaid electricity meter software updates have been successfully implemented.

Without the upgrade, residents won’t be able to buy electricity units with new tokens and will be left without a power supply. The deadline for this upgrade is set for 24 November 2024.

Overstrand Municipality would like to thank every prepaid electricity consumer for their co-operation and willingness to update their meters and wishes to encourage the remaining three percent to participate so that no one is left in the dark.

The process for the upgrade is fairly easy, eligible customers will receive two extra 20-digit codes along with their usual pre-paid token.

All three codes need to be entered in sequence for you to receive the electricity you purchased.

Follow these steps to update your meter:

  1. Enter the first 20-digit key change code and wait for it to accept.
  2. Enter the second 20-digit key change code and wait for it to accept.
  3. Enter the usual 20-digit electricity token to recharge units as normal.

The Municipality has now visited all areas and those that have not converted yet or experience problems with the conversion are encouraged to contact the Municipality without delay for assistance with the upgrade on e-mail:

Eskom directly supplied customers in Betty’s Bay, Pringle Bay, Rooiels, Fisherhaven, Vermont, Onrus, Hemel-en-Aarde and certain areas between Die Damme and Hermanus can contact Eskom directly with queries regarding the upgrade of prepaid meter software for the TID rollover.

Consumers within the Overstrand Municipality distribution area may also contact the Municipality during office hours at the following numbers:

  • HERMANUS ADMINISTRATION: 028 313 8000 or 028 316 2630


Previous Closing of Municipal offices during holidays

Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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