Residents and visitors reminded to be aware of rabies

Residents and visitors reminded to be aware of rabies

Pet owners in the Overstrand are encouraged to be vigilant and take their pets to their private veterinarian or animal welfare organisation, to make sure their rabies vaccinations are up to date.

The call follows confirmed cases of rabies in Cape fur seals in our region.

Dog walkers along the Overstrand shoreline should be aware that rabies can be spread by infected seals biting dogs/humans, and by dogs biting seals, or licking or scavenging on carcasses. Please ensure that your dog is under your control at all times and preferably on a leash wherever seals may by present. Do not touch, handle or consume a seal carcass or any parts thereof if you encounter a dead seal on the beach. Stay well clear of live seals that have hauled out along the coastline.

Rabies vaccinations are available, and the disease is preventable with prompt and appropriate medical care. 

If you spot a seal that appears to be behaving abnormally, please take a video if you can and pin the locality. Report such incidences as well as any attacks/bites to the nearest vet or the Environmental Management Section of Overstrand Municipality on 028 316 3724 (o/h) or the Fire & Rescue Emergency Control Room on 028 312 2400 (a/h). All seal sightings (well or sick) can be reported on the iNaturalist website.

With prompt and appropriate medical care (i.e. vaccination), the spread of rabies can be prevented. We therefore urge all pet owners to act responsibly by taking the necessary precautionary steps and behaving responsibly

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