Expenditures, Fleet & Assets Management

Expenditures, Fleet & Assets Management

The office of the Senior Manager: Expenditure & Asset Management is responsible for the payment of service providers and officials, as well as maintaining the asset register and short-term insurance portfolio of the Overstrand Municipality in order to ensure service delivery.

The Objectives of Expenditure & Asset Management are to:

  1. give effect to the provisions of the Constitution, 1996
  2. give effect to the provisions of the MFMA, 2003;
  3. manage the key performance and result indicators associated with the Expenditure- and Asset Management Section through the implementation of laid down policies and procedures;
  4. dictate financial reporting and recording requirements for the management of the Expenditure & Asset Management Section;
  5. manage objective setting and financial planning sequences and directing and executing accounting procedures and processes in accordance with relevant legislation and policies associated with controlling the Expenditure / Creditors, Payroll, Asset Management & Insurance Portfolio Sections.

It is the responsibility of the office of the Senior Manager: Expenditure & Asset Management that these objectives are adhered to and implemented; thereby ensuring sound, sustainable and accountable cost management, which is fair, equitable, transparent and cost effective.

What do I do:

The provision of professional financial services to management and Council in respect of Expenditure Administration (Creditors/Salaries) and Asset Management.

Name: Johannes Vorster (Divisional Manager: Expenditure, Fleet & Asset Management)
Contact Number: +27 28 313 8046
Email: jvorster@overstrand.gov.za

Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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