Fire, Rescue & Disaster Management

Fire, Rescue & Disaster Management

Overstrand Disaster Management are responsible to promote disaster management training and community awareness to reduce vulnerability to communities most at risk.

Overstrand Municipality Disaster Management aim is to reduce, minimize and prevent disasters through risk assessment and mitigation strategies.Priority will be given to development measures that reduce the vulnerability of disaster prone areas; communities, agriculture and infrastructure within each line function.

Chief: Fire, Rescue & Disaster Management

What do I do:

The provision and planning of a workable Fire & Rescue and Disaster Management Plan.

Name: Lester Smith
Contact Number: 028 313 5042

Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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