Bulk sewer completed Water-treatment plant upgraded and Bus Route up and running

Bulk sewer completed Water-treatment plant upgraded and Bus Route up and running

Infrastructure investment to the tune of R19 million pays off.

OVERSTRAND’S EXECUTIVE MAYOR, DR. ANNELIE RABIE, AND CLLR CLINTON LERM, PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE CHAIR: INVESTMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE, HAD A RATHER HECTIC START TO AUGUST: they had the pleasure of officiating at the official hand-over of not one but three major infrastructure projects in the spate of two days.

On the 2nd of August, they were there to officiate at the opening of the bus route that will service the Blompark housing project and to celebrate the completion of the bulk sewer upgrade in the Masakhane area that will allow for the development of 1 184 serviced stands and 295 low-cost housing units in the area.These upgrades/improvements were necessary to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to accommodate current and future housing developments.

With a total value of R 11.3 million, the bulk sewer upgrade involved the installation of a 970m section of 630mm diameter HDPE gravity sewer pipeline that discharges at the Gansbaai Wastewater Treatment Works and required excavations, micro-tunnelling, reinstating pipeline trenches and resurfacing road reserves. Two local subcontractors participated in this contract.

Given that an additional 643 serviced stands are currently also being developed in Gansbaai’s Blompark and Beverly Hills area, Overstrand Municipality took heed of a recommendation that the transport network in the area must be improved for the sake of public safety. To this end, a bus route and sidewalks were created to simultaneously cater for an increase in pedestrian traffic and a greater need for public transport.
Creating this bus route involved lengthening access roads, widening lanes, upgrading intersections, broadening sidewalks, and resurfacing road reserves. Total expenditure on this project amounted to R4.4 million and created 11 employment opportunities.

Ribbon cutting at Masakhane Bulk Sewer Pipeline plant, pictured from left: Hanre Blignaut (Deputy Director: Engineering Planning), Dr. Annelie Rabie (Overstrand Executive Mayor), Cllr Clinton Lerm (MMC for Infrastructure and Planning) and Trevino Julius (MIG Project Manager).

And then, on the 3rd of August, the Mayor and MAYCO members had the honour to officiate at the official commissioning of the new aeration plant at the Preekstoel water-treatment plant in Hermanus.

Having undergone its trial operation period under the auspices of Overstrand Municipality and the respective contractors (iX Engineers, Tricom Africa and Veolia Water), this plant will ensure that the high concentrations of iron and manganese in water abstracted from the Gateway wellfield are treated effectively and that backwash water from the biofiltration and conventional treatment plants can be re-used. Simultaneously, thanks to biofiltration, the capacity to extract water from the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley will also be increased.

The aeration plant has the capacity to treat seven million litres of raw water per day and has been constructed at a cost of R3.35 million.
“All of the aforegoing projects have been undertaken in keeping with needs identified in Overstrand Municipality’s current Integrated Development Plan,” Mayor Rabie said. “As much as we are pleased with what we have achieved, there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure that Overstrand lives up to its promise of being a home for all.”

Blompark Bus Route:
With the Executive Mayor of the Overstrand Municipality, Dr Annelie Rabie, fourth from right are: from left: Coenie Loubser (Veolia), Hanre Blignaut (Deputy Director: Engineering Planning), Goosen le Roux (Manager Bulk Water Services), Cllr Nutt (MMC for Community Services), Cllr Lerm (MMC for Investment and Infrastructure), Deputy Mayor Cllr Lindile Ntsabo, Cllr Gillion (MMC for Local Economic Development) and Cllr Africa (MMC for Management and Services)
Previous REMINDER: Nominations for Mayor’s Women’s Day Event are due tomorrow

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