Notice to Residents of Ward 13 on 04.04.2023

Notice to Residents of Ward 13 on 04.04.2023

Overstrand Councillor Charmaine Resandt, who is the Ward Councillor for Ward 13 (Onrus/Vermont), is on sick leave for an extended period.

Residents are welcome to contact any of the Onrus/Vermont Ward Committee members with issues or concerns within the ward until the Councillor is back to full health (contact details below).

Alternatively, contact the mayor’s office on 028 313 8058 or e-mail

Staff and councillors wish Councillor Resandt a speedy recovery.

Ward 13 Committee Members:

  • Duncan Heard (Vermont RP & Environmental Association): 082 495 3943
  • Deon van der Kooi (NG Kerk Onrus): 072 273 1494
  • Caroline Gabb (Onrus River Estuary Forum): 082 554 0811
  • Meredith Thornton Onrus Vermont SRA): 079 469 8606
  • Anne Droomer (Onverwag Neighbourhood Watch): 082 702 7557
  • Jimmy Hattingh Kalfiefees): 071 880 2160
  • Duran Proper (Retirement Villages Onrus): 072 600 2862
  • Theo Agenbag (Onrus Trading Post): 082 929 9245 
  • Hennie Greeff (Onrus River Homeowners Association): 082 569 5314
The new 60kVA generator being installed at the Kleinmond Water Treatment Plant
The new 180kVA generator being installed at the Kleinmond Tennis Courts Sewerage Pumpstation
The new 200kVA generator installed at the Mossel River Sewerage Pumpstation in Hermanus
Previous Hermanus Whale Festival planning has begun

Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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