Overstrand 9th consecutive clean audit

Overstrand 9th consecutive clean audit

Overstrand Executive Mayor Annalie Rabie stated her absolute delight with the 9th consecutive clean audit for the 2020/21 financial year for the municipality and expressed her sincere appreciation towards the administration for all the hard work and commitment in reaching this milestone.

Dr. Rabie also encouraged the staff to maintain high standards and furthermore, to continue the hard work in striving towards achieving another clean audit next year to reach the perfect 10.

The audit outcome of a municipality is supported by the assurance provided by the management of the municipality as well as the roleplayers charged with governance.

Good governance is represented through the consistent development and implementation of sound and effective policies and procedures, supported by the necessary internal financial controls by an established team

The Auditor-General’s report expressed satisfaction with the manner in which the Municipality had conducted its affairs and in adhering to best practice in its corporate and financial governance, inclusive of compliance to key legislation. The municipality furthermore had no material findings on pre-determined objectives.

With the history of multiple clean audits, we now also know that the integrity of our business processes has been validated over an extended period of time. We will continue to invest in building skills and with these capabilities and a stable environment, we are anxious to translate clean audit into enhanced service delivery and a solid base for existing as well as potential investors, in broadening opportunities in the Overstrand.

The Municipal Manager, Dean O’Neill, resonated the Mayor’s opinions in this regard and reiterated the importance of ensuring that good audit outcomes translate to the provision of services in all areas within the municipality’s jurisdiction, specifically those in the poorer and underserviced communities. He concluded by also expressing his gratitude to the political and administrative leadership as well all other staff who, by their effective oversight and appropriate responses, respectively, contributed towards the good audit outcome.

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Mon – Fri: 07:45 – 13:00 & 13:45 – 16:30
Cashiers: 08:00 -13:00 & 13:45 – 15:00

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