Overstrand saddened by the death of SANSA MD

Overstrand saddened by the death of SANSA MD

Overstrand Executive Mayor, Dr Annelie Rabie, expressed sadness and shock at the death of Dr Lee-Anne McKinnell who passed away on Saturday after a short illness.

Dr Lee-Anne McKinnell was the Managing Director or SANSA Space Science and achieved remarkable milestones during her 12 years as an executive.

The Space Weather Project was her crowning achievement during her distinguished career as a researcher, SANSA executive, space weather advocate and custodian of this unique facility which she loved and is now a National Key Point, thanks to her continued efforts to protect the site.

Dr McKinnell served on a number of international committees and working groups ensuring Africa’s interests are maintained in the field of space science and related technology.

Dr McKinnell is survived by her husband John McKinnell, her parents Lynn and John Williscroft and her two brothers Mark and Gerald Williscroft and their families.

Our condolences go out to her family and friends, our prayers and blessings are with them.


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